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Dear GTN Leadership,
Tim and I attended Dr. Bill Hamon's International Gathering of Apostles and Prophets' Conference (IGAP) this year (October 2016) by divine appointment. With the prophetic proclamation regarding this time in church history, we, the Ekklesia, are entering into the third and final Reformation of the Church. Jesus called us to disciple nations. In order to disciple a nation, we must be the nation of God! This is the history and foundation of Go To Nations' global ministry. If you haven't listened to A Global Movement and the Beachheads and Movements videos at, I encourage you to do so, as they lay the foundation for where we have been and where we are going.
As the Ekklesia, the sent ones, we are the governing body that is to set and enforce legislation in nations, declare war and peace, send troops and bring His Kingdom to the earth. The Lord has already been preparing us for generational leadership and focusing our attention to the necessary components that ignite global movements. We are committed to building strong troops and finishing strong. Our 2017 Gathering of the Finishers Reunion and Conference will be a pivotl moment in the history of Go To Nations.
Dr. Ed Silvoso, a guest speaker at the IGAP conference, has specific revelation, strategy and experience for us to do the very thing that Christ bled and died for us to do. Jesus can't and won't come back for us until we have done what He asked us to do. The disciples turned the known world upside down. We have quite a bit of transforming to do ourselves to start turning our known world upside down.
I ask that you take time to listen to the audio teachings below and ask the Lord for revelation. I also encourage us all to review his books and consider purchasing Prayer Evangelism, Transformation and his new book to be released in the spring, Ekklesia. He is beginning a 6 week class on the Ekklesia, starting November 14th, of which I plan to enroll in.
Father, help us to build strong fearless Holy Ghost filled troops, give us your strategies to disciple the sheep nations in Jesus' name we pray.
In Christ, Nancy Lovelace
Executive VP of Global Ministries.